融全球智力 促创新合作 谋共同发展
Cooperation Innovation Development
Global Innovation Summit for Presidents
In the form of “Keynote speech + forum dialogue + awards ceremony + capital matchmaking conference”, it focuses on the 12 sectors including “advanced manufacturing, biomedicine, life services, intelligent education, intelligent agriculture, medical and healthcare, new energy, new materials, new retail, new finance, and new media”, and invites over 1,000 representatives including global visionary presidents, well-known investors, president of business schools of Fortune 500, innovators and entrepreneurs, experts and scholars, representatives of business associations, and mainstream media. Bringing together mass wisdom and cohesiveness, it builds an ecological model featuring “Talent + Technology + Industry + Capital” based on shared growth through discussion and collaboration.
Undertaken by: chinaCEOt.com
Contact number: Zhang Ping, 13922872626