—本期概况— 本期择选7个来自江苏省的人才需求, 涵盖领域涉及生物医药、医疗、 教育、智能制造、 环保、信息技术等六大领域, 详见下方材料。▼ — Overview — This week, we select 7 different projects from Jiangsu Province. They related to 6 fields, including: Biological Medicine, Health Care, Education, Intelligent Manufacturing, Environmental, Information technology. Detailed information▼ 1 盐城协和医院 Yancheng Union Hospital ☑项目名称:妇科不孕不育治疗医生 ☑联系人:徐丽玉(院长) ☑联系电话:13815583337 ☑传真:0515-88187200 ☑联系邮箱:377230247@qq.com ☑Project:Gynecological infertility treatment doctor ☑Person in charge:Xu Liyu(Dean) ☑Contact:13815583337 ☑Fax:0515-88187200 ☑E-mail:377230247@qq.com 单位简介 盐城协和医院是二级综合医院,1998年设立,有医疗用房13000平方,病床200张,医务人员近300名,设有外科、内科、妇科、生殖健康与不孕症、儿科、五官科、康复科、中医科等综合性医院必备科室,肛肠科是市级临床重点专科,微创治疗耳鼻喉、生殖医学中心、儿童康复中心和健康体检中心为医院特色项目。 Unit Introduction Yancheng union hospital is secondary general hospital, established in 1998, a medical room 13000 square, 200 sickbeds, nearly 300 medical personnel, equipped with surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, reproductive health and sterility, rehabilitation, regions such as necessary department, general hospital anus bowel division is the municipal clinical key specialty, minimally invasive treatment ent, reproductive medicine center, children's rehabilitation center and physical examination center for our project. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 1.对不孕不育治疗方面有成功经验; 2.熟练掌握宫腹腔镜治疗技术。 Description of requirements Position requirements: 1.Successful experience in infertility; 2.Treatment Master the technique of hysteroscopy. 来华工作期限: 半个月 Duration of work in China: Half month 需求概况: 了解国际不孕不育最新诊疗技术和动态,提高我院不孕不育医师的理论水平及手术技能。 General Situation of Demand: To understand the latest international infertility diagnosis and treatment technology and trends, to improve the theoretical level of infertility doctors in our hospital and surgical skills. 需解决的问题: 1.如何提高多囊卵巢综合征患者的受孕率; 2.宫腹腔镜治疗不孕不育患者适应症以及治疗过程中难点与对策; 3.因内分泌功能失调引起不孕不育目前国际最新诊疗技术和方法; 4.不孕症促排卵治疗最新方法。 The problems need to solved: 1.How to improve the pregnancy rate of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome; 2.Indications, difficulties and countermeasures of hysteroscopy in the treatment of infertility patients; 3.The latest international diagnosis and treatment technologies and methods for infertility caused by endocrine dysfunction; 4.Infertility promote ovulation treatment of the latest method. 2 江苏兄弟维生素有限公司 Jiangsu Brother Vitamins Co., LTD ☑项目名称:维生素B1工艺改进 ☑联系人:崔胜凯(主任) ☑联系电话:0515-83552292、13815544200 ☑传真:0515-83551633 ☑联系邮箱:jscsk@brother.com.cn ☑Project:Vitamin B1 Synthesis Process Improvement ☑Person in charge:Cui Shengkai(Director) ☑Contact:0515-83552292、13815544200 ☑Fax:0515-83551633 ☑E-mail:jscsk@brother.com.cn 单位简介 江苏兄弟维生素有限公司,由兄弟科技股份有限公司(证券代码:002562)投资兴建。公司位于江苏省盐城市大丰区海洋经济综合开发区,占地337亩,注册资金9267.1988万元,于2005年3月开工建设,目前已投入5.8亿元,建成了7万多平方米的厂房及配套用房,主要生产维生素B1,产品应用于饲料添加剂、食品添加剂和医药原料药。已形成了年产3200吨维生素B1的规模,占世界市场份额的40%,年销售总额约6亿元人民币,利税约10000万元人民币。 Unit Introduction Our company Jiangsu Brother Vitamins Co., LTD was built in March 2005 by Brothers Enterprises Co., LTD (stock code: 002562) and located in Marine Economic Development Zone, Dafeng Area, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, covers an area of 230,000 square meters. Company has a registered capital of 92.671988 million yuan and has invested 580 million yuan at present. We specialize in the production of vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride and thiamine mononitrate) for feed, food, pharm and have formed an annual output of 3200 tons of vitamin B1 scale. The share of world exports is about 40%, the total annual sales and taxes are about 600 million yuan and 100 million yuan, respectively. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 工艺专业,工程专业 Description of requirements Position requirements: Engineering and technology 来华工作期限: 2019年10月份、11月份,期限45天。 Duration of work in China: In October and November, 2019, for 45 days. 需求概况: 维生素B1工艺改进: 1.钠代和盐酸乙脒一步合成甲酰嘧啶,目标收率85%; 1.1目前:钠代与邻氯苯胺盐酸盐缩合后合成得到烯胺,然后盐酸乙脒与液体甲醇钠游离得到乙脒甲醇溶液及氯化钠,氯化钠过滤后做副产处理,乙脒甲醇溶液经过浓缩后与烯胺环合得到甲酰嘧啶。该工艺合成路线较长,产生工业废水,废气量较大且较难处理,两步联合收率大概83%; 1.2钠代与盐酸乙脒在催化剂的催化下直接合成甲酰嘧啶,该工艺反应路线短工艺简单,产生工业废水,废气量相较比现行工艺要小。存在问题:反应收率78%左右,相较比现行工艺低5%左右,且后需产品质量存在一定问题(色谱纯度及相关杂质数值较大); 2.硝酸硫胺母液处理,废水综合利用,硫代硫胺用双氧水氧化后,加入硝酸铵溶液,用氨水中和至PH7.5,然后离心得到成品硝酸硫胺,硝酸母液中含有大约10.5%的硫酸铵,3.5%的硝酸铵,0.35%的硝酸硫胺,还有部分其他有机物,母液COD大约:25000左右,氨氮大约:30000左右; 3.盐酸硫胺氯化钙工艺,目前:硫代硫胺用双氧水氧化后,用硝酸铵转盐,氨水中和后得到硝酸硫胺,硝酸硫胺在甲醇溶液中通入氯化氢后转化得到盐酸硫胺,实验室曾经采用在硫代硫胺双氧水氧化后的溶液中加入氯化钙,然后过滤出硫酸钙,然后将盐酸硫胺溶液浓缩后乙醇醇析,得到盐酸硫胺。需解决问题为,所得盐酸硫胺主要是炽灼残渣指标不合格,标准<0.1%,实际为0.2%左右; 4.盐酸硫胺树脂工艺,硫代硫胺用双氧水氧化后,可利用离子交换树脂,直接置换得到盐酸硫胺溶液。 General Situation of Demand: Vitamin B1 synthesis process improvement: 1.One-step synthesis of formylpyrimidine by Alpha-sodium formyl-beta-formyl aminopropionitrile and acetamidine hydrochloride, target yield 85%; 1.1 At present: the 1.2 Direct synthesis of formylpyrimidine by sodium and acetamidine hydrochloride under the catalyst catalysis. The reaction process is short and simple, producing industrial wastewater, and the amount of waste gas is smaller than the current process. There is a problem: the reaction yield is about 78%, which is 5% lower than the current process, and there are certain problems in the quality of subsequent products. (Chromatographic purity and Larger related impurities); 2.Thiamine nitrate mother liquor treatment, comprehensive utilization of wastewater, thiothiamine is oxidized with hydrogen peroxide, added with ammonium nitrate solution, neutralized with ammonia to pH 7.5, and then centrifuged to obtain the finished Thiamine nitrate, which contains about 10.5% sulfuric acid Ammonium, 3.5% ammonium nitrate, 0.35% Thiamine nitrate, and some other organic matter, the mother liquid COD is about 25000, and the ammonia nitrogen is about 30,000; 3. Calcium chloride process of thiamine hydrochloride, at present: thio thiamine is oxidized with hydrogen peroxide, converted to salt with ammonium nitrate, neutralized with ammonia to obtain thiamine nitrate, Thiamine nitrate is converted into thiamine hydrochloride by introducing hydrogen chloride into methanol solution. In the laboratory, calcium chloride was added to the solution after oxidation of thiothiamine hydrogen peroxide, and then calcium sulfate was filtered, and then the thiamine hydrochloride solution was concentrated and precipitated byethanol to obtain thiamine hydrochloride. The problem to be solved is that the index of the Residue> 4. In the thiamine hydrochloride resin process. After the thiothiamine is oxidized with hydrogen peroxide, A thiamine hydrochloride solution can be obtained by a displacement using an ion exchange resin. Need to solve the problem: resin selection, yield, resin regeneration, service life, wastewater problem during resin regeneration. 需解决的问题: 树脂的选型,收率情况,树脂的再生,使用寿命,树脂再生过程中的废水问题。 The problems need to solved: Resin selection, yield, resin regeneration, service life, wastewater problem during resin regeneration. 3 徐州市玛泰生物科技有限公司 MAPeptide BIO-TECH CO., LTD ☑项目名称:人类免疫缺陷病毒广谱诊断抗原的制备及产业化 ☑联系人:李玉娇(总经理助理) ☑联系电话:0516-87608850、13372220016 ☑传真:0516-87608850 ☑联系邮箱:Mapeptide@126.com ☑Project:Preparation and Industrialization of Broad Spectrum Diagnostic Antigen of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ☑Person in charge:Yujiao Li(General manager assistant) ☑Contact:0516-87608850、13372220016 ☑Fax:0516-87608850 ☑E-mail:Mapeptide@126.com 单位简介 徐玛是一家专注于生命科学和生物技术领域的科技型企业。玛泰以开发高性价比试验试剂产品为目标,以服务和满足广大客户需求为宗旨,专注于IVD上游行业抗原抗体的科研和制备、IVD耗材的销售以及以IVD为主的科研技术服务产业。 Unit Introduction MAP is a enterprise focus on the field of life science and biotechnology. Enterprise's business objection is to serve and meet the demand of the customers. MAPeptide devoted itself to develop cost-effective reagent products and focus on IVD upstream industry products including the preparation of antigen and antibody. The enterprise provides IVD consumables sales as well as the scientific technology service. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 微生物免疫学专业,正高级别,多年从事相关职业。 Description of requirements Position requirements: Microbiological immunology major, at a high level, has been engaged in relevant professions for many years. 来华工作期限: 每年2-3次,3年 Duration of work in China: 2-3 times per year, 3 years 需求概况: 帮助企业解决如何应对HIV公司高度变异性等诸多问题。 General Situation of Demand: To help enterprises solve many problems such as how to deal with the high variability of HIV companies. 需解决的问题: 协助团解决HIV广谱抗原高度变异的问题,实现资源优化配置,早日实现国际化销售。 The problems need to solved: The assistance team will solve the problem of high variation of HIV broad spectrum antigen, realize optimal allocation of resources and realize international sales as soon as possible. 4 苏州外国语学校昆山校区 Suzhou Foreign Language School Kunshan Campus ☑项目名称:小学部、初中部英语外教 ☑联系人:李寒晶(国际部主任) ☑联系电话:15000311748 ☑联系邮箱:Hanjing226@hotmail.com ☑Project:ESL Teacher for Primary and Junior High School ☑Person in charge:Robin(Director of International Department) ☑Contact:15000311748 ☑E-mail:Hanjing226@hotmail.com 单位简介 苏州外国语学校昆山校区占地面积8万平方米,建筑面积达10万平方米。学校位于苏州昆山市花桥东城大道与绿地大道交汇处(凯捷路北侧),紧临京沪高速花桥出口,与上海安亭汽车城和大虹桥构成区位优势,交通便利,上海地铁11号线直达花桥,也即将与苏州轨交1号线连通,处于苏、昆、沪长三角一体化联动发展的核心区域。苏外昆山校区开设国内,国际双规课程,以培养具有“中国灵魂,世界眼光”的国际化人才为办学目标,聘请上海和国外有着丰富管理经验的领导团队,与苏外管理团队相结合,采用苏州外国语学校成熟的管理理念和经验,依托苏外的名、特、优师资力量,结合昆山分校的国际化特色,打造昆山乃至整个长三角地区教育的新亮点,新高点。 Unit Introduction The Kunshan Campus of Suzhou Foreign Language School is a brand-new school invested by Suzhou Guanghua Education Investment Group for 800 million Yuan. It is a branch of Suzhou Foreign Language School established in Kunshan. It is a high-end, modern and international school. Its management, curriculum and teachers are based on the excellent characteristics of Suzhou Foreign Language School with breakthrough and innovation in many aspects. It is a Cambridge School, authorized by Cambridge Assessment International Education, which takes the Cambridge Series International curriculum as an integrated course and carries out the national curriculum in the compulsory education stage simultaneously. It has dual-track teaching and double-channel enrollment. It is the first large-scale, high-end international K12 school in Shanghai and Suzhou with Cambridge Series International Courses as its integrated curriculum. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 本科或本科以上学历,两年相关科目教学工作经验,拥有120小时的TESOL/TEFL教学资质证书。熟悉K12剑桥国际课程的优先考虑。 Description of requirements Position requirements: Bachelor degree or above, two years teaching experience in related subjects, with 120 hours TESOL/TEFL teaching qualification certificate. Familiarity with K12 Cambridge International Course is a priority. 来华期限: 1年到3年 Duration of work in China: 1 year to 3 years 需求概况: 有相关专业背景,熟悉相关学段学生的教学方法,能够根据教学大纲进行教学。 General Situation of Demand: With relevant professional background, familiar with the teaching methods of students in relevant sections, and able to teach according to the syllabus. 需解决的问题: 满足学校剑桥国际课程教学、教研需要;外教教学能够使学生在各类全球统考中考取理想的成绩。 The problems need to solved: To meet the needs of teaching and research in Cambridge International Course, foreign teachers'teaching can enable students to achieve ideal results in various global examinations. 5 江苏常宝钢管股份有限公司 Changzhou Liquid Metal Co., LTD ☑项目名称:针对国际高端市场提升产品品质技术工艺改善的研究 ☑联系人:张蓝宇(人力资源职员) ☑联系电话:0519-88812509、13606127841 ☑传真:0519-88812052 ☑联系邮箱:hr@cbsteeltube.com ☑Project:Aimed at the International High-end Market to Improve the Quality of the Product Technology to Improve Research ☑Person in charge:Zhang Lanyu(HR) ☑Contact:0519-88812509、13606127841 ☑Fax:0519-88812052 ☑E-mail:hr@cbsteeltube.com 单位简介 江苏常宝钢管股份有限公司是一家专业从事各种能源管材的生产服务商,是国内油井管重点制造商和全国小口径合金高压锅炉管重点制造商之一,是中国石油销售总公司“能源一号网”会员单位和锅炉业三大龙头企业的 A级(优秀)供应商。公司产品应用于石油、电力、核电、天然气等能源行业,并广泛出口到欧美、中东、独联体、东南亚和非洲等多个国家和地区。 Unit Introduction Jiangsu Chang Bao Steel Tube Co., Ltd. is a specialized in the production of pipes of various energy Manufacturer, is one of the largest manufacturer in boiler tube and OCTG industry and the excellent provider for the best 3 boilers mill in China, is the world's leading in small diameter alloy boiler tubes manufacturers, Is the first one of the enterprises specialized production manufacturer of seamless steel pipe Products used in petroleum, electricity, nuclear power, natural gas and other energy industries, and widely exported to Europe, the Middle East, CIS, Southeast Asia and Africa and other countries and regions. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 从事过物流仓储装备行业和物流仓储装备的单品研发。 Description of requirements Position requirements: Engaged in logistics warehousing equipment industry and logistics warehousing equipment research and development of the item. 来华期限: 不限 Duration of work in China: No Request 需求概况: 公司作为能源及机械行业的装备制造企业,积极响应国家经济转型升级要求,努力研究提高产线智能化水平的新工艺新方法,力争运用国际钢管先进的技术和管理模式,进一步提升产品品质,将公司产品打入国际高端市场。目前通过开展智力合作引进外国专家,为子公司常州常宝精特钢管有限公司提供技术工艺改善和管理改善类相关服务。 General Situation of Demand: Company is an energy source and machinery equipment manufacturing enterprises, and make efforts to improve the level of intelligent production line of new technology new methods, strive to use the steel pipe advanced technology and management mode, further improve product quality, the company products enter the international high-end market. By importing foreign expert intelligence cooperation, are now a subsidiary in Changzhou Chang Bao precision special steel tube co., LTD. Provide technical process improvement and management to improve related services. 需解决的问题: 1.根据公司目前实际情况,运用日本先进精细化管理模式,制定出符合我们公司各个岗位的技术工艺标准,形成标准化作业手顺书,后续跟踪使用情况并不断修订,从而形成适合我们企业的标准化作业制度; 2.凭借30年在日本工作经验,提升公司管理水平,开展精细化管理培训,全面提升公司产品品质,适应日本等国际高端市场的要求。 The problems need to solved: 1.According to the company actual situation, the elaborating management mode, using the Japanese advanced developed in accordance with our company technology standard, each position form a standardized operation hand book, follow-up tracking usage and constantly revised, to form suitable for the standardization of our enterprise system; 2.With 30 years working experience in Japan, promote management level, the company carried out fine management training, comprehensively enhance the quality of the products of the company, to meet the requirements of Japan and other international high-end market. 6 江苏中海华核环保有限公司 CASHH Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd ☑项目名称:核电工程师 ☑联系人:周宏宇(总经理) ☑联系电话:0515-68013088、17300569888 ☑传真:0515-68773002 ☑联系邮箱:info@n-cashh.com ☑Project:Nuclear Power Engineer ☑Person in charge:Hongyu Zhou(General Manager) ☑Contact:0515-68013088、17300569888 ☑Fax:0515-68773002 ☑E-mail:info@n-cashh.com 单位简介 中海华核环保有限公司注册资本1.018亿元,项目总投资6亿元,建筑面积10万平方米,从事核环保解决方案和专有技术、设备的研发制造,主要产品有核电专用机器人、核环保储运容器、放射性废储管理、核设施退役管理和核电供应链管理。是国内唯一具有研发设计、项目总包、先进制造、系统集成、运维服务为一体的国家高新技术企业,是国际一流的核环保综合服务商。 Unit Introduction CASHH Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd. has a registered capital of 101.8 million yuan, a total project investment of 600 million yuan and a construction area of 100000 square meters.The main products are nuclear power special robots and nuclear environmental protection storage and transportation containers,radioactive waste management,nuclear facility decommissioning management and nuclear power supply chain management.This company is the top national high-tech enterprise in China witch is capable of R&D design, project general package, advanced manufacturing, system integration as well as operation and maintenance services. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 硕士及以上,5年以上核电相关工作经验。 Description of requirements Position requirements: 1.Master degree or above; 2.At least 5 years working experience in nuclear power. 来华工作期限: 不限 Duration of work in China: No Request 需求概况: 核电专用机器人的设计与制造、核环保储运容器的设计与制造、放射性废物管理、核设施退役管理、核电供应管理相关人才。 General Situation of Demand: 1.Design and manufacture of Special Robot for Nuclear Power; 2.Design and manufacture of Storage and Transportation containers for nuclear environmental protection; 3.Radioactive Waste Management; 4.Decommissioning Management of Nuclear facilities; Management of Nuclear Power supply. 需解决的问题: 致力于解决核电专用机器人的设计与制造、核环保储运容器的设计与制造、放射性废物管理、核设施退役管理、核电供应管理等相关问题。 The problems need to solved: Committed to the design and manufacture of the special robot for nuclear power, the design and manufacture of the nuclear environmental storage and transportation container, the management of radioactive waste, the decommissioning and management of nuclear facilities, the management of nuclear power supply, etc. 7 昆山科森科技股份有限公司 Kunshan Kersen Science & Technology co.,Ltd ☑项目名称:PD经理 ☑联系人:刘元亮(人力资源中心总监) ☑联系电话:17751228758 ☑传真:0512-57478678 ☑联系邮箱:Daniel.Liu@kersentech.com ☑Project:PD Manager ☑Person in charge:Daniel Liu(Director of Human Resources Center) ☑Contact:17751228758 ☑Fax:0512-57478678 ☑E-mail:Daniel.Liu@kersentech.com 单位简介 昆山科森科技股份有限公司(股票代码:603626.SH)成立于2010年,专业从事精密金属制造和服务。我们为客户提供精密的金属结构件,如医疗手术器械,手机,平板电脑,光伏产品等。在精密金属结构件领域,在生产规模,产品质量和市场份额的综合评价中,已居于中国同行业民营企业领先地位。 核心客户 1.消费电子领域 主要客户有苹果,亚马逊,谷歌,索尼等。产品包括手机,笔记本电脑,平板电脑,电子书,耳机等精密金属所需的终端产品,以及精密塑胶结构件,手机壳,笔记本电脑主轴等,其他外部零件,内置零件。 2.医学领域 主要客户是美敦力和强生公司。主要产品有骨钉,手术刀等。 3.汽车 除上述业务外,公司还从事汽车市场。我们的客户包括特斯拉和其他国内汽车公司。 4.烟草电子设备 IQOS 规模 公司(包括东台)目前拥有6个生产基地,占地面积近79万平方米,自动化程度高,生产能力强,效率高,质量稳定。 目标 Kersen致力于通过有序增长和计划性的投资进行长远发展,以确保企业稳定发展的同时,实现进一步创新。我们的目标是不断开发Kersen多种独特技术解决问题组合的方案,同时探索新的领域和发展机会。Kersen专注于为全球市场提供服务,在不同的经济环境下都让客户物超所值。公司致力于打开全球市场,在北美和亚洲设有六个分支机构,通过制造,销售和分销网络,解决工业加工,运输和能源市场问题。 Unit Introduction About Kersen Kunshan Kersen Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 603626.SH) was founded in 2010, specializing in precise metal manufacturing and service. We provide clients with precise metal structures such as medical surgical instruments, mobile phones, tablet computers, photovoltaic products, etc. In the field of precise metal structural parts, according to the comprehensive evaluation of production scale, product quality and market share, it ranks first among the private enterprises in the same industry in China. Main clients 1.Consumer electronics field The main customers are Apple, Amazon, Google, Sony, etc. Products include mobile phones, laptops, tablets, e-books, headphones and other terminal products required for precision metal, precision plastic structural parts, such as mobile phone shell, laptop spindle and other external parts, built-in parts. 2.Medical field The main customers are Medtronic, as well as Johnson & Johnson. The main products are bone nail, surgical blade etc.,. 3.Automobile In addition to the above business, the company also engaged in automobile market. Our clients contains Tesla and other domestic automobile companies. 4.Tobacco Electronic Device IQOS Scale The company (including Dongtai) currently has six production bases, covering an area of nearly 790,000 m2, with high degree of automation, strong production capacity, high efficiency and stable quality. Goal Kersen family is committed to expansion through organic growth and well-planned investments that ensure financial stability and enable further innovation in our fields. Company's goal is to continually develop Kersen’s portfolio of unique technical solutions while exploring new opportunities for progress and geographic expansion. Kersen’s responsive organizations are focused on serving the world’s growth markets, giving investors high returns throughout varying economic cycles. The company has been building a global eye with six branches across North America and Asia, which address the industrial processing, transportation and energy markets through global manufacturing, sales and distribution networks. 所需资源描述 岗位需求: 1.机械或材料工程学士学位; 2.5年PPI在3C行业的经验; 3.熟练掌握PRO-E和CAD; 4.深入了解CNC /冲压/车削/磨削/表面等工艺; 5.熟练使用办公室软件; 6.与他人良好的沟通技巧; 7.问题协调和解决技巧。 Description of requirements Position requirements: 1.Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical or Material Engineering; 2.5 years experience of NPI in 3C industry; 3.Proficient in PRO-E and CAD; 4.In-depth knowledge of process such as CNC /stamping /turning /grinding /surface; 5.Skill of computer using by office softward; 6.Good communication skill with others; 7.Problem coordinating & solving skill. 江苏省的人才需求项目第六弹, 有看好的项目就赶紧加入吧! If you're interested in these projects, please feel free to contact us for any further information! 另附英文版, 欢迎转发给你身边符合需求的人才们! 如果你也有项目、人才需求, 请联系我们吧! If you have the intention to cooperate at any time, feel free to contact us! ▼ 联系人:王婵 0755-81707961 邮箱:cieptalent@126.com Contact: Chan Wong 0755-81707961 E-mail:cieptalent@126.com ◆项目来源◆ 江苏省科学技术厅 The project of this paper is supported by ◆JIANGSU SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMEMT◆ is condensed with o-chloroaniline hydrochloride to synthesize the enamine, Then acetamidine hydrochloride and liquid sodium methoxide are freed to obtain Acetamidine methanol solution and sodium chloride. The sodium chloride is filtered and subjected to by-product treatment, and the acetonitrile methanol solution is concentrated and cyclized with an enamine to obtain a formylpyrimidine.The synthetic route of the process is long, producing industrial wastewater, and the amount of exhaust gas is large and difficult to handle. The combined yield of the two steps is about 83%;